



  • 下鶴 大輔・荒牧 重雄・井田 喜明・中田 節也(編):火山の辞典.朝倉書店,592pp.


  • 小屋口剛博,2008:火山現象のモデリング.東京大学出版会,660pp.


  • Bringi, V.N. and V. Chandrasekar, 2001: Polarimetric Doppler weather radar: Principles and applications. Cambridge University Press, 664pp.

This 2001 book provides a detailed introduction to the principles of Doppler and polarimetric radar, focusing in particular on their use in the analysis of weather systems.

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  • 木下紀正,1989:桜島火山噴煙と大気拡散 ー序論的考察ー.鹿児島大学教育学部研究紀要,自然科学,41,1-17.
  • 木下紀正・吉田潔,1990:桜島噴煙流の写真解析.鹿児島大学教育学部研究紀要,自然科学,42,1-19.
  • 木下紀正,2006: フィリピン・マヨン火山の噴火活動を捉える, 科学, 76, 1179-1181.
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  • Yoshikawa, E., 2011: A Study of Meteorological Radar Network at Ku-band with High Resolution. Doctoral Thesis, Osaka Univ., https://hdl.handle.net/11094/1398
  • Yoshikawa, E., S. Kida, S. Yoshida, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki, 2010: Vertical structure of raindrop size distribution in lower atmospheric boundary layer. Geophys. Res. Lett., 37,L 20802, doi:10. 10291201OGL045174.