Eruption onset date | Nov. 8.2019 |
Eruption onset time (LST) | 17:24 |
Eruption column top (m) | 5500 |
Total ashfall amount (kg) | 5.09E+07 |
Total ashfall area (km2) | 69.7 |
Fig. 1-1 Photo from Tarumizu, Kagoshima (courtesy of Dr.Iino ,Kumamoto Univ.).
Fig. 1-2 Photo from Kinkodai, Kagoshima (courtesy of Dr. Iino,Kumamoto Univ.).
Fig. 2-1 Accumulated ash fall distribution (animation).
Fig. 2-2 Ash fall duration time (animation).
Fig. 2-3 Temporal change of total ash fall amount.
Fig. 2-4 Temporal change of total ash fall area.
Fig. 4-1 Temporal change of the eruption column. (Top view)
Fig. 4-2 Temporal change of the eruption column. (Bird’s eye view)
Fig. 4-3 RHI images of radar reflectivity factor ZH (animation).
Fig. 4-4 RHI images of Doppler velocity VD(animation).
Marine Radar (Kagoshima Univ. et al.)
Fig. 5-1 Development of eruption column.
Fig. 5-2 Temporal change of the eruption column height.
Fig. 6-1 Density plots of the particle size and fall velocity of volcanic ash particles.
Fig. 6-2 Gamma fitting curves of observed particle size distributions.
Fig. 6-3 Temporal change of gamma PSD parameters and integrated PSD parameters.
Fig. 6-4 Temporal change of ash fall rate and PSD.
Fig. 6-5 Histograms of observed gamma PSD parameters.
Fig. 6-6 Histograms of observed normalized gamma PSD parameters.